영상특수효과및포스트프로덕션(On-line Class)
영상특수효과및포스트프로덕션(Offline Class)
Annihilator Method, Euler's equation
annihilator method to determine a form of the particular solution phi - Euler's equation and how to solve it
Cauchy-Euler, Green's function, intro to system
How to solve a Cauchy-Euler equation - Def. of Green's function and its use - Intro. to a system of linear DEs
Higher order nonlinear DEs
Matching up the coefficients in the answers of a linear system of DEs - Higher order nonlinear DEs where either dependent or independent variable is missing completely from the equation
higher order nonlinear DE
higher order nonlinear DE: none of the above cases - Def: ordinary point and singular point - series solution at an ordinary point
radius of convergence, soln near regular singular point
How to determine the radius of convergence of a series solution - Def. of regular or irregular singular points - How to find a series solution near a regular singular point